Merman Beach Logo

We love Mermen so much that after 15 years of selling Mermen from our retail store in Denver, we created Merman Beach, where you’ll find the best deals on December Diamond Mermen anywhere online.

Why we love December Diamonds merman ornaments

Besides being sexy and fun, December Diamonds collectible mermen ornaments are a quality product. Pick any merman on our SHOP page and you can zoom in to see the amazing detail that December Diamonds has put into these unique collectible ornaments. These are not mass-produced novelties. December Diamonds mermen are first conceived, then detailed drawings are made and refined until an actual 3-D model can be sculpted and finally approved for production. They are then cast in a high quality solid resin. Each and every merman is exquisitely hand-painted and embellished with an unexpected level of detail so when you open the box, you are getting the highest quality possible.

Chicago Merman at Game.jpg

Talking Merman